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The curriculum in District 15 is continually evaluated to ensure it is dynamic and responsive. Various curriculum committees, consisting of teachers and administrators, and often guided by content experts, research best practice instructional approaches and programmatic resources for study, and recommend materials which allow for responsive teaching to meet the needs of diverse learners.

In District 15, elementary grades K-5 classes are self-contained and middle school grades 6-8 classes are departmentalized.

The basic curriculum is aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards (incorporating the Common Core Standards; the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards; and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)).

At all grade levels, students are taught:

  • Literacy/Language Arts (reading, writing, listening, and speaking)
    • Our primary grades feature a comphrensive literacy program, explicitly teaching foundational skills and comprehension strategies.
  • Mathematics
    • Students grow in confidence as they collaborate to explain their thinking and problem-solve, with many D15 graduates completing Algebra.
  • Science
    • Hands-on science starts early, fostering inquiry, curiosity, and analytical skills.
  • Social Studies
    • Exploring local to global perspectives, D15 promotes inquiry-driven learning and a deep understanding of civic engagement.
  • Music
  • Comprehensive Health*
  • Visual Arts
  • Physical Education

*Human Growth and Development is taught as a separate unit within the Health curriculum in grades 5 and 8. Content and activities are carefully selected for grade-level appropriateness. Parent/guardian involvement is essential for the success of this curriculum. District 15 is committed to partnering with families to ensure the health and safety of all students. Families of 8th grade students will be sent materials to review prior to instruction.  Parents may elect to excuse their child from this instructional unit via an opt-out form accompanying the preview materials. Students who have opted-out of this unit will go to an alternate location during this instructional time.

In this section:

Field Trips

Classroom teachers may plan educational trips to extend and enhance learning. Children must have a signed permission slip to participate in these trips. The field trip form also provides space for parent/guardian permission for children who need medication while on the field trip. Students who do not turn in signed permission slips and fees by the deadline may be unable to participate in the trip. Student behavior expectations are the same for field trips as they are for the classroom. If there is a significant concern about a student’s ability or willingness to behave appropriately on a trip, there is the possibility that participation could be contingent on the parent/guardian accompanying the child. Parents/guardians of children who have severe allergies or other medical conditions may also be asked to accompany their children on field trips to ensure the child’s safety.